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The COVID-19 Vaccine: Our best shot at beating the pandemic

Alongside masking and social distancing, vaccination is an effective way to protect yourself from COVID-19 and reduce the risk of spreading the virus. The Government of Kenya aims to fully vaccinate the entire adult population by June 2022. As of 22 January 2022, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has reported over 23 million vaccinated adults, of which 5 million, or 18.6% of the total adult population, are fully vaccinated. Continue reading to have your vaccine questions answered!

What COVID-19 vaccines are available?

Once a vaccine is shown to be safe and effective, it is approved by national regulators and distributed to the population. The MOH has approved the use of the Covishield, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinopharm, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. The AstraZeneca/Covishield, Pfizer, Moderna and Sinopharm vaccines require two doses to be fully vaccinated, so you should plan to receive your 2nd dose 4-12 weeks after your initial dose. One dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine confers full protection. All authorized and recommended COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective if you receive all the recommended doses.

Where can I get a COVID-19 vaccine?

COVID-19 vaccines are available free of charge for everyone, including refugees and migrants to ensure equal and equitable access. You can find the updated list of approved designated vaccination centers here or call the Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 hotline number on 719.

How can I get my vaccination record?

The vaccination program is being managed through ​​the Portal, a comprehensive system where you can schedule your COVID-19 vaccination and access your COVID-19 vaccination certificate. You can learn more by watching this video tutorial on how to access these services through the online platform.

Let’s get vaccinated!

Vaccines are the best way to protect you and your community from COVID-19 by reducing your risk of infection or the severity of your symptoms. The more people get vaccinated, the more we can prevent the spread of COVID-19 and avoid the emergence of new variants.

For more information on locating a clinic near you and registering for a vaccination, please visit


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